End of My Research
10/13/2015 Engineering
So my study abroad program has come to an end. Now before I talk about how late I am with writing this blog post or about what I did during my last months in Japan, let's talk about how my research project ended up~ If you've been keeping track of my other posts (like you should..... |
Learning From Others
06/27/2015 Engineering
As part of my Individual Research Training program here at Tohoku University, I have to participate in various seminars, lectures, and meetings with my research lab. This is actually one of the great things about this program, because most of my other lab-mates are graduate stu..... |
Engineering Exhibition
06/20/2015 Engineering
So a few weeks ago, I went to this engineering exhibition near my area. It was called the Engineering Exhibition Tohoku~ :D It gave me a chance to see the kind of research that was being focused in the Tohoku Region, as well as a great opportunity to learn some things in my..... |
Equipped with Lasers & Wings
05/31/2015 Engineering
Alright, so here's a little update on my research. For the past month, I've been focusing on utilizing the Hokuyo Laser Range Scanner with my quadcopter. The laser scanner is used for scanning the quadcopter's surrounding area to localize itself in its environment a..... |
Quadcopter Up and Flying
04/03/2015 Engineering
After months of work in the lab and tons of hours bashing my head against a wall while programming, I have successfully gotten my quadcopter to fly autonomously! *applause* Thank you Thank you~ I know I'm awesome :) But really, I've actually only gotten my quadcopter to lift...... |
Programming life
12/16/2014 Engineering
Life in the lab has been progressing pretty well lately, however there's one problem... I've turned into a programmer! OTL My research plans and goals have now been finalized for the most part, and it shows that most of the things I need to do to reach my goal would be throu..... |
Making Robots, It's What I Do
10/25/2014 School, Engineering
Things have finally settled down here at Tohoku University and my research topic has finally gotten a bit more concrete~ I have some idea of what I should be doing in my lab now and how to get started with learning about my lab's field robotics. Along with that, I've checked out the.... |
STEM Students Abroad
06/11/2014 Engineering, School
STEM students are students who are studying in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics. [AKA: Cool Kids] I believe that all majors, especially STEM students, sh....... |
06/08/2014 Engineering
I am really happy about my college life. I feel that I've made a lot of good decisions that has contributed to all of the new friends I've made and the skills I've learned. One of those good decisions was joining UCSD's Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE's) Microm........ |