Final Adventures
10/15/2015 Random
I met some of the greatest people at Tohoku University during my year there. They were all so great that I'm writing a separate blog post just for them~ lol Most of them actually turned out to be Americans, probably cuz we just relate to one another alot better. So I'll tell you about..... |
Golden Week Adventure
05/03/2015 Random
Golden Week is one of Japan's famous holidays. It's the longest official holiday in Japan, consisting of 4 separate holidays that happen to form a "week-long" vacation for many Japanese people. With school and work put on break and everyone traveling around with their friends...... |
Spring is Here~
04/03/2015 Random
Hisashiburi everybody~ ;D I'm so late on updating my blog, but I have good reasons for it....I was on SPRING BREAK >w< hahaa And spring break in Japan isn't just one week like it is in America, it's about 2 months! That's because the Jap...... |
Just My Music
01/22/2015 Random
Wassup world! Austin here~ bringing you another one of my random music posts where I share the latest hits on my Youtube playlist! (^0^) "But wait Austin, aren't you supposed to be talking about Japan?" "Shaddup random quotation! I can write whatever I want! (>O<)!!" And I b.... |
Happy Thanksgiving
11/27/2014 Random
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! However, if you're not American you probably wouldn't care. lol XD Thanksgiving is one of those holidays in America where you use the opportunity to get out of school to go eat tons of food and stuff your belly with delicious and fat food~ Eating and b.... |
It's Cold
11/25/2014 Random
It's getting closer to winter here in Japan, meaning that the temperature has basically dropped close to an average of 8° C (~46° F, for all you Americans out there~ lol) It seems like snow will be coming soon within the next few weeks~ I can't wait >w< I am literally going to act like a little kid a.... |
The Adventure Begins
10/12/2014 Random
My school life in Japan has finally started! Every day since I've come to Sendai has been packed with going out with friends, getting ready for classes, and going to club events~ (as well as a bunch of needless paperwork... but let's just forget about that). It has been almost 3 weeks.... |
Family Travels
08/31/2014 Japan, Random
My loving family came to visit me in Japan the past week~ My parents were worried about me living alone in Japan, so they wanted to check up on me (and use that as an excuse to finally travel to Japan... lol not jk) It was just a short six days, but it was refreshing to see family again.... |
Lil Otaku Update~
08/27/2014 Anime, Random
Watching anime, reading manga, playing visual novels, listening to vocaloid, hanging out at the arcade, etc. That's basically my life~ Oh, and then there's non important stuff in there as well such as eating and sleeping and stuff, but who really needs that? hehe With all my time during the .... |
Goodbye Senshu~
08/14/2014 School, Random
My summer ILP (Intensive Language Program) at Senshu University is now over. A 7-week program that marked the beginnings of my life in Japan~ At the Senshu University International Dorm, I've met many people from all around the world: Vietnam, France, Russia, Oregon, Laos, Taiw.... |
日本語 A bit of Japanese
06/08/2014 Japan, Random
So if you haven't seen it yet, go check out my "About Me" page to see my introductory video and little biography. It actually took me a lot longer than it should have to make it.... Anyways, now that you've seen my video, you will pro....... |